May 11, 2009


If I saw my mother, falling my water eyes
There is no equal she love to me
Oh mother have a goal in my heart
Hopefully I was successful and reply to you with good

From small to large I
Many of the sins that I have to do to you
Therefore I apologize to you
Hopefully you will forgive this son

Oh mother who gave birth to me
Could you pardon my sins
So that life in this world find goodness
True Goodness a child who is kind to his parents

By: Hery rhey


  1. This poem really makes me miss my mother!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Hery Rhey.

    Very nice blog. I like this poem (I have translated it in french). The design is top.

    Have a good blogging.


  3. D...huggzz You!

    Absolutely touching and beautiful!


  4. We should really love our mothers. They're so loving :)


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