Jun 11, 2009

The Eye

You like the sun in the night
A very faithful squire
Accompany each movement and gaze
On the night of darkness

So faithful, and you do not know tired
Although acute pain and that you feel
You remain faithful up a lantern
Although you changed the color red so

In a day when you rest very little
And you very rarely complain
With the wipe repeatedly
would feel fresh and ready to adventure

By : Heryrhey


  1. please do not too hard to our self.....althougth the eyes do not talk, it doesnt mean the heart doesnt feel ....

  2. katanya mata itu cermin hati yah? karena lewat mata orang jadi tahu isi hati seseorang? bener yah? takut salah berfilsuf heheheheh, sukses terus, thx buat comment nya

  3. mampir lagi...oh potingan yang review itu di bawah postingan ini yah...


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