Nov 21, 2009

When separated

Before the remnants of wind this afternoon sleep
walking you behind the wall
laugh at the story, or letters that is well

Your sweat smells like a soldier
accumulate saliva in the mouth like a jackfruit sap
spinach trees at the curb
grasshopper legs sprawled

As long ago
in front of a pile of bricks where we know each other
challenge hand floret
waiting for the rain to live the rest of

Before the sun surrounded bush
Run you behind the wall
final pages of the burned roses
leaves wide teak chest
let forced fruiting mango tree

There are lots of taro leaves when you browse the moor
Walking  behind the wall
sleeping with dew, wet grass, or straw ash in the middle of rice fields

Run behind the wall
let me enjoy the remnants of the afternoon breeze
although only a cup of coffee

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