Jan 14, 2010

Touched rain

let’s rhyme to playing
the dewdrop is kissed leaves
deepen mutual silence in
Children hose moaned barren soul

On a long journey without a captain
Body clutching night
Silence does not promise anything on the next day
you argue through a short message cast

In the rain I'm wrong
Silence is better than throwing rocks at each other


  1. ups sory my english not well..
    maybe what i mean its defferent what u mean..
    what ever, its excellent making poems in english.
    nice post..
    wait for your visit.thx

  2. It is beter then throwing rocks at each other. Enjoyed readin this. I also wantiiiiied you to know I subscribed to your readers feeds through email. Hope you do same and thanks, for the Entrecard drops. When you visitmy blog tho please adgitize my ads I can use your click on my ads. lilyruth....@lilruth

  3. silence is better than yelling...

    and crying is better than anything...


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